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Showing posts from August, 2021

I am the most important influence in my child's life

Parenting is one of the most blissful yet challenging journeys we will ever undertake in our life. But as a parent, most of the time, you are clueless about it. It is hard to stay calm all the time as we are humans as well. We do have hard time where we lose ourself, it's a lie long mindful journey. As a mother, as a father and as a parent grow and evolve equally with our children. Observing our child and following their uniqueness is such a beautiful thing, Just stop for a moment and think about your natural way of parenting and customise/personalise it to your child. So many unwanted suggestions on feeding, boasting that others ' children are eating well, staying bubbly, reading and writing well really leads to guilt and worry. Even I was worried at one point because all kids around knew their colors/Alphabets and were very prompt in recognising them. But my kid wouldn't . But later i realised she does a lot of things independently which many kids of her age don't . S...